About Us

Welcome to HAZBE

HAZBE as a FMCG marketing company belief that emotions sells and our products emotions are scalable to global market on its cultural positioning.

India is a food supplier to the World. We have all kinds of Branded Pulses, Whole Spices, Tea and Mustard oil originating from local villages that have potential to compete in the global market as per price and quality standard.

HAZBE is not following the traditional route of distributing products, It evolved itself as an online first D2C brand that has its direct presence on Online and offline stores.

About HAZBE Noon Foods

Culture has its impact on our everyday life, Now with our unique branding and packaging that include Mehrab and Falcon and Arabic language differentiate us as a mass customized product.

Natural & Safe

From nature's basket to your plate, HAZBE products come with a promise of happiness and good health.

Pure & Healthy

Passing through numerous purity and quality parameters, we promise to make every meal special and healthy.

Fresh & Hygienic

Preserving freshness with multiple hygiene checkpoints, HAZBE products always exceed your expectations.